Volunteer Immunity - Resistance Trials

We at Wuhan-Virus.biz are also advocating deliberate infection of vaccinated people in vaccine trials, but ONLY through being put into an enclosed space with actively infected people. We also advocate doing the same for infected animals in both directions. This would allow us to prove that human-to-human airborne transmission is happening, and also to prove whether or not the virus can be transmitted by breathing the same air that an infected pet exhales, and vice-versa.

It is well-known that many animal species can catch the virus and that transmission among members of the same species is happening. This includes dogs and cats, in addition to the minks that have had to be repeatedly culled due to 80% + population infection rates. It is believed that mink to human transmission (almost certainly airborne) has occurred. We need to know if household pets can transmit the virus to humans, and if so (we believe that it is possible, and that transmission in this manner is happening), how is it happening? Is it through physical contact with the pet, or is simply breathing in the same air that the pet breathes out sufficient to transmit the virus. It is crucial, we believe, not to overlook this transmission vector.

Immunity or Resistance ?

Basically we don't know yet whether or not infection with Covid-19 provides us with a resistance or an immunity to re-infection. It appears from the limited testing done so far that only a short-lived relatively weak resistance is obtained from infection; a resistance that is rather like the resistance obtained from catching the flu. First, scientists discovered patients who had recovered from infection with Covid-19, but mysteriously didn’t have any antibodies against it. Next it emerged that this might be the case for a significant number of people. Then came the finding that many of those who do develop antibodies seem to lose them again after just a few months.

This means that once infected with the coronavirus, after you recover, you can probably become infected again, or re-infected. This makes it even more critical that we SLOW the spread of the coronavirus, STOP the spread of the coronavirus, and try to SLAY (Eradicate) the virus completely, until such time that we have found an effective vaccine, or developed another way to gain a real immunity to the coronavirus. SSS - Slow, Stop & Slay!

In more scientific terms:

Antibody (Ab) responses to SARS-CoV-2 can be detected in most infected individuals 10-15 days following the onset of COVID-19 symptoms. However, due to the recent emergence of this virus in the human population it is not yet known how long these Ab responses will be maintained or whether they will provide protection from re-infection.

Studies show that a transient (temporary) neutralizing antibody response (nAb) is a feature shared by both a SARS-CoV-2 infection that causes low disease severity and the circulating seasonal coronaviruses that are associated with common colds. Stronger resistance is usually obtained from having a more severe form of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2), and lower levels of resistance are usually obtained from suffering milder forms of infection.


In this section we give scientific advice for governments to follow to reduce and halt transmission of Covid-19 also known as Coronavirus, and known by scientists as SARS-CoV-2.

It is critical that governments follow scientifically sound policy and procedures, rather than do what is politically expedient. Perhaps most important of all, science, logic, reason and the scientific method MUST be followed, and any faith-based approaches must not be followed or even considered, as they are likely to worsen the problem and the pandemic. The separation of Church and State has never been more important to our health, our lives, our freedom and our future.

We believe that the information presented on this site is higher quality and more accurate information than that given by the WHO. We are scientists, and we are not politicized. That is to say - we will present the truth here, and the best advice we can, rather than what is politically correct, politically expedient or useful; and we will do it without regards to objections by specific countries, organizations, ideologies and religions. That is why you should find higher quality information on this site then elsewhere.

Please click on the links in this menu column (GOV) for details on how and why to best implement the below-mentioned suggestions.

In brief, all nations must :

PPE Matcher - Find, Offer and Source locally produced PPE

Find, Offer, buy, sell, trade personal protective equipment at the PPE Matcher at LowestPrices.com

Or choose your country: 

US.LowestPrices.com for the USA

UK.LowestPrices.com for the United Kingdom

CA.LowestPrices.com for Canada

AU.LowestPrices.com for Australia

NZ.LowestPrices.com for New Zealand

IE.LowestPrices.com for Ireland

PPE Fraud Checker

Check your PPE - Personal Protective Equipment for fraud, and report imitation, shoddy goods and fraud at The National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL) of the U.S. CDC - the Center for Disease Control.

Check your facemask for counterfeit goods, shoddy goods, fraud or price gouging at the 3M site.

Working with Covid-19

Covid-19 presents specific challenges for the workplace. In general, indoor areas with lots of people and no air flow are very high-risk areas for the spread of the virus. Here are some general guidelines for working in an age of airbone coronavirus:


1) Try to work from home, if possible. There are lots of ways to work on the computer, with the telephone, and there are lots of free and low cost video-conferencing solutions like Conference-Rooms.US that allow groups meetings, presentations and more with interactive whiteboards, and meeting recording, etc.


2) If you have to work from an office, try to work outside! If you must work inside at a desk, make sure that all the windows are open and use fans to increase air flow indoors. Best yet is to use fans to direct air so that air is sucked up to the ceiling and then blown outside, if possible. This is what airplanes try to do - to direct air vertically - and it can be done in offices.


3) Wear masks or respirators if possible, (we reciommend 3M N95 original and genuine respirators) and practice social distancing at the workplace. Try to touch things as little as possible, and make sure to wash your hands thoroughly often, after touching anything. Do NOT touch your face, mouth, eyes or nose, and do not touch your mask or respirator. If you wear a mask or respirator, leave it on until you are done with it for the day. The outside of your mask could be a particularly dangerous thing to touch as it could harbor the virus.


4) Don't share  cups, glasses, plates or utensils. Don't use office gyms or fitness classes - exercise outside! Take the stairs rather than the elevator, unless the climb is too strenuous. Move desks around to maximise the space between them. Stay positive and get enough sleep and exercise. Be healthy and stay alert and safe.

Youths - don't take risks with Covid-19, please!

Mid-July 2020: 

Coronavirus Covid-19
Coronavirus Covid-19 is a dangerous illness.

We are seeing more and more US states loosening restrictions so the economy can get going once again, and we are witnessing many young people who are going back to life as it was before the virus - with no social distancing, not wearing masks, getting together with hundreds of other young people in bars, at parties, etc. This is horribly risky behavior - both for themselves and for the more vulnerable people in society - the elderly, the obese, those with underlying kidney or respiratory problems, that could catch the Coronavirus from these young people and need hospitalization or even die from it.

You youths need to be aware that this is not a little flu, rather covid-19 has some very serious long-term disasterously negative effects on one's health for many, many survivors. You think that because you are young and strong that it won't hurt you. Well, you are wrong. It will hospitalize some of you and it will even kill some of you. Furthermore, it will probably or possibly cause long-term damage to your lungs and kidneys as well as your memory and ability to think. Seriously. We don't know how long-term this damage will be, but we know that it is a part of the problem. Many, many covid-19 "survivors" of all sexes and ages never fully recover! Don't play games and take risks with your long-term health. It's not worth it.

WHO wrong about Airborne Transmission

The World Health Organization keeps claiming that the Covid-19 virus, known as Coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 is not being transmitted by aerosol transmission - that is by people who are infected breathing out microscopic particles of Covid-19 that remain in the air for minutes or hours, which can then infect un-infected people who breath those particles in unknowingly. We say the WHO is dead wrong about this. That is why we recommend against going to an indoor gym or fitness center, a movie theatre - especially a small one - or any large indoor gatherings at this time. 

Coronavirus particles can remain infectious in the air for more than an hour, possibly three or four hours, remaining suspended in the air and travelling some distance away from the person who'd breathed them out, with laboratory studies showing it could remain infectious in the air for more than an hour. Replenishing the air in a room was important to avoid spreading the virus, rather than recirculating the air like some air conditioning systems do.

Because of these recent studies, we must assume that it CAN be transmitted this way and modify our behavior accordingly.