Youths - don't take risks with Covid-19, please!

Mid-July 2020: 

Coronavirus Covid-19
Coronavirus Covid-19 is a dangerous illness.

We are seeing more and more US states loosening restrictions so the economy can get going once again, and we are witnessing many young people who are going back to life as it was before the virus - with no social distancing, not wearing masks, getting together with hundreds of other young people in bars, at parties, etc. This is horribly risky behavior - both for themselves and for the more vulnerable people in society - the elderly, the obese, those with underlying kidney or respiratory problems, that could catch the Coronavirus from these young people and need hospitalization or even die from it.

You youths need to be aware that this is not a little flu, rather covid-19 has some very serious long-term disasterously negative effects on one's health for many, many survivors. You think that because you are young and strong that it won't hurt you. Well, you are wrong. It will hospitalize some of you and it will even kill some of you. Furthermore, it will probably or possibly cause long-term damage to your lungs and kidneys as well as your memory and ability to think. Seriously. We don't know how long-term this damage will be, but we know that it is a part of the problem. Many, many covid-19 "survivors" of all sexes and ages never fully recover! Don't play games and take risks with your long-term health. It's not worth it.

Living with Covid-19

Covid-19, also known as Coronavirus is invisible to the naked eye. That's one of the reasons it is so difficult to protect against. It is also airborne, that is, it is transmitted in the air that we all breathe. It is a respitory virus, so people who have the virus, have it in their lungs, and nose and wind pipe area, so that every time they exhale, they are pumping the virus into the air around them. When they sneeze or cough they pump larger amounts of the virus into the air around them at much higher speeds and greater concentrations that travel further. Thus, people who are exercising and breathing heavily are putting much more virus into the air around them than are people who are still or not moving, or moving slowly. 

living,surviving,masks,respirators,3M,,Wuhan,Virus,Coronavirus,Covid-19,SARS-CoV-2,outside,population density, social distancing, fitness, respiratory illness