Welcome to WuhanVirus.Info - Understanding and Learning from the Wuhan Virus - Covid-19, Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2

Join us to have a frank intellectual discussion about the Wuhan Virus.

  • Where and How it Originated. (Wuhan, China, unsafe virology lab procedures, communist lies).
  • Why and How it Spread. (Overpopulation, high population densities, illegal animal trade & use, censorship).
  • What to Do About it. (Distance, Mask, Dilution, Ventilation, Filtration, Hand Washing, Outdoors).
  • Lessons We Need to Learn from the Wuhan Virus. (Self-sufficiency, Responsibility, Preparedness).
  • Say NO to Profiteering during Emergencies! Demand a Refund for Crisis Profiteering!
  • Why the Whole World Should Boycott Communist China and Manufacture ALL Critical Goods at Home.


SARS-CoV-2 is the official name of the virus that causes Covid-19, which is commonly known as the Coronavirus. Corona means "crown" in Latin, and coronaviruses resemble crowns a little when viewed with a microscope. It was called novel (meaning "new") coronavirus to distinguish it from the other existing coronaviruses, such as the common cold. Yes, the common cold is also a coronavirus, and it, too, kills many people each year and it too is highly infectious. Four coronaviruses already circulate in human beings. They cause common cold symptoms and we don't have vaccines for any of them. Vaccines are currently being given for Covid-19 and they work - principally by making the infection much less sever than otherwise. This means that vaccinated people can still get covid-19, but that they won't need to go to the hospital and the disease will be much milder. Thus teh vaccines provide resistance not immunity, and we don't yet know for how long such resistance will last. The vaccines, some of which have to be taken twice, a month apart, some of which only need to be taken once, may need to be "renewed" every 6 or 12 months. Time and science will tell.