Covid-19 or Coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 by health care professionals has probably infected more than 150 million people globally as of mid-July 2020. This figure is increasing rapidly. Many places such as Sweden (which never had a total lockdown) and some American states (like Florida, Arizona and Texas, for example) which had a partial or short lockdown and then "re-opened" so the economy wouldn't be damaged too much), report over 10 % (sometimes as much as 20%) of random testing showing positive results for the virus, or for antibodies which indicate a previous positive state for the virus.
Thus, we believe that reported cases or confirmed cases of Covid-19 only represent about 5 % to 10 % or the true number of cases.
In the case of the number of deaths, most reported deaths are only those where the Coronavirus was listed as a cause of death. We believe that showing the difference between the average annual number of deaths in a month and the number of deaths in the same month during the Coronavirus pandemic give a more accurate total number of deaths which can be attributed, at least in part, to the Covid-19 virus.
Thus we believe that the total number of deaths due to Coronavirus is actually about 50% higher than official statistics show. Thus total deaths due to Coronavirus are probably about 800,000 at mid-July 2020. This figure is increasing rapidly.
Random testing is the only way to go.
The only way to determine how many people have ro have had covid-19 is to do truly random testing in each country. That's the only statistic that counts when making comparisons. It's also the most important statistic which shows rate of increase or decrease in teh number of positive cases when done regularly - like every three days, as it should be.